I'm back. Pse, i need help for modules connection

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I'm back. Pse, i need help for modules connection

Post by EA8IE »

Hello everyone.

I'm Alex, EA8IE, from the Canary Islands. Before EC8AYZ.
After a long time without a radio, I'm back.

I have the following audio modules to start with:

- Shure PR781 and Rode NT1A microphone.
-Behringer MIC2200
-Behringer DEQ2496
-Behringer EX3200
-Behringer MDX2600
-Behringer DI4000
- Ibox W2IHY
(I will soon have the Behringer DSP2024P)

MIC2200 left channel to left input of DEQ2496. This bridges the right channel and right XLR output to the left channel of EX3200. This bridges the right channel and right XLR output to the left channel of MDX2600 and XLR output to DI4000. From here to Ibox.

I have read this forum and NU9N, but I still can't get a Voodoo audio.

My radio is an Icom IC-7600.

Could someone guide me if these connections are correct?

Thanks for the answers and for accepting me back into the group.



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Re: I'm back. Pse, i need help for modules connection

Post by Voodoo Guru »

Hi Alex,

It will be difficult to get any kind of Voodoo Audio from an Icom as they re ALL limited to 2.9Kc Bandwidth on Transmit. In order to get a good audio spectral balance at that narrow bandwidth takes some creative high frequency work and lots of cuts on the low frequencies. The Audio can be made to sound very good, but unfortunately it will not be Voodoo.
Voodoo Guru
From Deep in the IDD of the Sub-Harmonix Realm

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