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Farewell my friend

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:03 pm
by CraigN7CAL
A ham friend of mine passed away last week. A great soul and someone who had the rare quality of making me feel accepted and ok even if I had crap stuck in my teeth.

He wasn't a ham friend to start, in fact I never talked to him on the air. He was an employee of mine in Missoula and we later found out that we were both hams. For all the time I knew this man, I knew the he was just one of the best souls a person could ever meet. He was a soul a little out of place. He could speak Japanese and seem to light up when he talked about Japan. He also lit up when we would talk about the human condition.

He had a great insight to people. In many ways he was like an animal in that way,, he just had a sixth sense about people. No amount of frosting could ever hide the true nature of the rot within a person and he and I truly enjoyed the discovery of truth within a person.

The world is too full of bullshitters and arrogant fools. People who will always make their way to the top, to their credit, through hard work. But in their wake they leave the landscape littered with scars, mostly on the backs of others and without regard for the feelings of others.

It is a paradox in life that my friend and I enjoyed pointing out. We didnt do it to make ourselves feel better or to belittle others. We did so as a means to discover how we could practice being better people.

He needed very little practice being better, to me he was perfect the way he was, and I will miss him very much.

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:51 am
by Voodoo Guru
Howdy Craig,

We are so sorry for your friend.
Our condolences to you and yours.

It is always a great loss to Humanity when someone with the mentality and abilities your friend possessed passes away from this world.
It's ironic how many pieces of worthless human trash remain to take their place.
Users, takers, and destroyers with nothing but their own selfish ambition to lull them asleep at night.
It's just not fair.

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:51 am
by CraigN7CAL
Well put and very true

Thanks Mike

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:52 pm
by joezero
So so sorry to hear that.I believe he must was nice person.We just wish he would be happy in other world.

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:22 pm
by !KANT