RCA FAA Command 5751 Black Plates

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Voodoo Audiophile
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RCA FAA Command 5751 Black Plates

Post by JJ2013 »

Hi y'all VooDoo Gurus and AudioPhiles!!

I know that RCA Command series 5751 Black Plates are really sweet-sounding tubes with a rich low end and plenty harmonics and I will be getting some for my next mic pre-amp! Will probably play around with "plain" RCA 5751 Black Plates too.

Now, can anyone tell if the RCA FAA Command Series 5751 Black Plates is any different from one without the "FAA?" Don't know what that designation suggests?



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Voodoo Guru
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Post by Voodoo Guru »

Howdy JJ,
We have seen RCA 5751 Tubes branded as Command Series, and we have seen RCA 5751 tubes branded as FAA or CAA tubes, but we have not seen them branded with both the Command and FAA designations on the same tube.

The "FAA" designation means "Federal Aviation Administration" made for aircraft use. It was previously "CAA' for "Civil Aviation Authority". "JAN" stands for "Joint Army Navy".

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Voodoo Guru
From Deep in the IDD of the Sub-Harmonix Realm

Voodoo Audiophile
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Post by JJ2013 »

Howdy VooDoo Guru!!

Sure appreciate the response as always :-)

OK on FAA. I guess I didn't automatically associate FAA with the Federal Aviation Administration for some reason ;-)

The seller on eBay write the tubes are "2 Vintage RCA FAA Command 5751 Black Plates Stereo Tubes 1963 strong" and I do see FAA on the tubes in the pix but "Command" or 5751 are not on there.......
Not sure how reliable a source this may be?

There is another seller that is selling "Matched Pair New, NOS RCA 5751 blackplate 5751WA Command Series. Premium broadcast grade 12AX7." $190.00 + $9 for shipping and I can see "Command" and "5751" on tubes.



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