Before you rip everything apart

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Ray Kara
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Before you rip everything apart

Post by Ray Kara »

Audio from the Kenwoods TS950vmsdx monitor was sounding scratchy, and pinched. So I blamed the new compressor purchased on Ebay as the problem. Sent it out for repair. With the Multi band compressor out of line and shipped out the scratchy noise continued, so it was time to blame the the TSM Muneo tube microphone as the problem. Ripped it apart nearly damaging the brittle wires. Installed poor replacement tubes in the microphone with even worse results.
Why were things going so wrong ?
Well, bone head had the phantom power switch the whole time on.
Thank goodness it didnt damage the microphone. Phantom power is not needed with a external tube microphone amplifier.
Lesson learned.


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Voodoo Guru
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Post by Voodoo Guru »

Howdy Ray,
It seems we all have days like these....lets be great-full they don't happen very often.

Take Care,
Voodoo Guru
From Deep in the IDD of the Sub-Harmonix Realm

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