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We're. Not Retreating, Just Advancing In Another Direction

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:47 pm
by !KANT
History, the Past, Memories, Recordings document a time not to be forgotten. We always prefer to submerge ourselves well into the greater/positive/smiling times. And this is the EXACT event which took place when I ventured to search optical drives for salvation of eSSB moments captured in the digital realm.

I am deeply moved by the memories from the Over The Air sounds of many many operators who, despite the harassments, threats and intentional interferences from the opposition, pushed on. They stayed commited to let the Receiving Stations know, this "audio thing" is hip, new, fresh and FUN!! At a time when, eSSB practice was loathed upon by many (for their own reasons). At a time when, practitioners of the art form gathered in masses on 20 Meters with a Worldwide audience listening in AWW.

Today, many of these eSSB operators no longer indulge in the art due to anything ranging from; loss of interest, time constraints, health, or (most heartbreakingly) have become Silent Key/Mics.

As I discovered and listened to operators from my newly rediscovered archive, several callsigns forged an immediate smile to my face. My eyes closed, the moment set in...and a decision made. They should be recognized.

eSSB Enthusiasists/Lovers/Junkies, back when 20M was a hotbed for audio in the evenings (on the reknown 14.178 MHz [Mega]stage), there was a young man who tinkered his way with a radio definitely not recognized, much less considered, for eSSB. The Yaesu FT-840. [See?? even now the raised brow from the audience is evident]. Nonetheless, he pushed forward thru the dominating presence of Kenwood's TS-850/DSP-100, TS-870 and [pre VSDX] TS-950 transceivers.

His sound was airingly natural and easily capable of a eSSB HiFi Classification. The achievement of quality audio from this radio were [IMHO] remarkable.

His trail of IONS from his activity on the bands have faded. We sure miss hearing this low-profiled station and hope for his much-welcomed return [would be marvelous with that '840] :twisted:

eSSB Audio Junkies, take note to the pillaring gold framed callsign of...WO2D!!!...John from Connecticut!!--you proved with dedication, time, trials & errors and PATIENCE,anything is about possible in this game...

Re: We're. Not Retreating, Just Advancing In Another Directi

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:43 pm
!KANT wrote:History, the Past, Memories, Recordings document a time not to be forgotten. We always prefer to submerge ourselves well into the greater/positive/smiling times. And this is the EXACT event which took place when I ventured to search optical drives for salvation of eSSB moments captured in the digital realm.

I am deeply moved by the memories from the Over The Air sounds of many many operators who, despite the harassments, threats and intentional interferences from the opposition, pushed on. They stayed commited to let the Receiving Stations know, this "audio thing" is hip, new, fresh and FUN!! At a time when, eSSB practice was loathed upon by many (for their own reasons). At a time when, practitioners of the art form gathered in masses on 20 Meters with a Worldwide audience listening in AWW.

Today, many of these eSSB operators no longer indulge in the art due to anything ranging from; loss of interest, time constraints, health, or (most heartbreakingly) have become Silent Key/Mics.

As I discovered and listened to operators from my newly rediscovered archive, several callsigns forged an immediate smile to my face. My eyes closed, the moment set in...and a decision made. They should be recognized.

eSSB Enthusiasists/Lovers/Junkies, back when 20M was a hotbed for audio in the evenings (on the reknown 14.178 MHz [Mega]stage), there was a young man who tinkered his way with a radio definitely not recognized, much less considered, for eSSB. The Yaesu FT-840. [See?? even now the raised brow from the audience is evident]. Nonetheless, he pushed forward thru the dominating presence of Kenwood's TS-850/DSP-100, TS-870 and [pre VSDX] TS-950 transceivers.

His sound was airingly natural and easily capable of a eSSB HiFi Classification. The achievement of quality audio from this radio were [IMHO] remarkable.

His trail of IONS from his activity on the bands have faded. We sure miss hearing this low-profiled station and hope for his much-welcomed return [would be marvelous with that '840] :twisted:

eSSB Audio Junkies, take note to the pillaring gold framed callsign of...WO2D!!!...John from Connecticut!!--you proved with dedication, time, trials & errors and PATIENCE,anything is about possible in this game...

Oh, come on !Kant......there's life in the old dogs yet...and dont forget, its not in the equipment, its ALL IN THE QSO, 73, HOWARD UK