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I’d like to get into ESSB. Can anyone help me?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 4:33 am
by K7HN
Hello all!

My name is Larry, my call sign is K7HN. All I ever wanted to do since I was a child must be on the radio LOL. I was blessed to go to a high school that had an AM radio station and was on the air at 13 years old.

Right out of high school I got my first gig and worked for another 7 1/2 years in commercial radio as an air talent. Eventually, God called me into youth ministry. I don’t regret that whatsoever but I did miss radio.

I could never pass the code exam and didn’t know that the FCC had dropped that requirement until this year LOL. so, I studied like crazy and was blessed to get my extra on my first test date.

My issue is this: I have a Yaesu FTDX 3000 and run it at 4K.

I know I need to get some equipment to better my compression and equalization.

I’d like to have my signal sound like “broadcast quality“ as much as possible. My issue like most people are, I’m limited on funds. I’m unfortunately permanently disabled and on social security. I’m only 56 so the Good Lord has given me plenty of time to assemble some things that I can save up for. I already have my hopes on an Electrovoice RE 27 mic.

I’ll need to get things one at a time. Can anyone suggest a good route to do this? Something that I can start with and then build on? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much for any help you can give me! I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this group.

